Book recommendations
This website will consider publishing any
article/essay about critical psychiatry and/or critical of psychiatry
(including essays for university courses). Please send them attached to or in
the body of an e-mail to Duncan
A philosophical investigation into coercive psychiatric practices. Volume 1. Gerald Roche
A philosophical investigation into coercive psychiatric practices. Volume 2. Gerald Roche
The mental health crisis in England, 2010-2015. Mark Cresswell
Contesting the psychiatric framing of ME/CFS. Helen Spandler & Meg Allen
Borderline personality disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder - Worryingly gendered diagnoses. Helen Sharpe
Making sense of distress without using psychiatric labels. Kev Harding
Psychotherapy is not a ‘cure’: The consolations of personal construct psychology and logotherapy. Kev Harding
Review of Wittgenstein and psychotherapy: From paradox to wonder. Michael Miller
Why psychiatrists should study philosophy. Oliver Ralley
Antidepressants versus placebo in major depression: An overview. Arif Khan & Walter A Brown
Clinical trial methodology and drug-placebo differences. Irving Kirsch
Antidepressants: Misnamed and misrepresented Joanna Moncrieff
What if a placebo effect explained all the activity of depression treatments? Pim Cuijpers & Ioana A Cristea
A community of voices. Kev Harding
The medical model: What is it, where did it come from and how long has it got?. Hugh Middleton
Antipsychotic maintenance treatment: Time
to rethink? Joanna Moncrieff
Robert Whitaker on the Dr Peter Breggin hour
Terry Lynch on the Dr Peter Breggin hour
The myth of the chemical cure by Joanna Moncrieff on the Dr Peter Breggin hour
Joanna Moncrieff on the Dr Peter Breggin hour
Lucy Johnstone on the Dr Peter Breggin hour
Phil Thomas on the Dr Peter Breggin hour
Kellyan hostility in psychiatry
and psychology. Kev Harding
The nature of mental disorder: Disease, distress, or personal tendency?. Joanna Moncrieff
The New York Times and the ADHD epidemic. Jonathan Leo & Jeffrey R Lacasse
Peter Sedgwick: Mental health as radical politics. Tad Tietze
Psychopolitics today: A response to Tad Tietze. Mark Cresswell & Helen Spandler
Re-cooperating anti-psychiatry: David Cooper's radical opposition to psychiatry. Adrian Chapman
Into the Zone of the Interior: A novel view of British anti-psychiatry. Adrian Chapman
Knots: Drawing out threads of the literary Laing. Adrian Chapman
ADHD: The epidemic scapegoating of our children - An overdue rational conceptualization. Yaddi Singh
Bipolar disorder – Re-conceptualizing and re-contextualizing Yaddi Singh
'Freedom is more important then health': Thomas Szasz and the problem of paternalism. Joanna Moncrieff
The psychological is political. Joanna Moncrieff
Neuroscientific psychiatry and the problem of consciousness. Philip Thomas
Taking a narrative turn in psychiatry. Bradley Lewis
Madness, childhood adversity and narrative psychiatry: Caring and the moral imagination. Philip Thomas & Eleanor Longden
Madness radio: Meaning of medications.Interview with David Cohen
Brain drain. Roger Scruton
Neuroscience fiction. Gary Marcus
Neuroscience: Under attack. Alissa Quart
Your brain on pseudoscience: The rise of popular neurobollocks. Steven Poole
The birth and death of Villa 21. Oisin Wall
States of abjection. Rosemary Rizq
From evidence-based medicine to marketing-based
medicine: Evidence from internal industry documents. Glen Spielmans & Peter Parry
Psychiatrists: The drug pushers. Will Self
Madness, childhood adversity and narrative psychiatry: Caring and the moral imagination. Philip Thomas & Eleanor Longden
Madness, science and the crisis in psychiatry. Phil Thomas with an inroduction by The Clearing
The limits of evidenced-based medicine in psychiatry. Philip Thomas, Pat Bracken & Sami Timimi
Mad or bad? Holly Case
Pinball wizards and the doomed project of psychiatric diagnosis. Philip Thomas
What is critical psychiatry? Philip Thomas
Drop the language of disorder. Peter Kinderman, John Read, Joanna Moncrief & Richard Bentall
Contesting the chemical cure. Meaghan Buisson
Letter to a patient. Meaghan Buisson
DSM 5 is guide not bible — Ignore its ten worst changes. Allen Frances
Brain science podcast: The future of the brain by Steven Rose
Brain science podcast: Mind and brain. Interview with William Uttal
Psychiatry beyond the current paradigm. Pat Bracken et al
Madness radio: Postpsychiatry, PTSD & community development. Interview with Pat Bracken
Madness radio: Psychotherapy for psychosis. Interview with Gail Hornstein
Madness radio: Psychiatric survivor movement. Interview with Judi Chamberlin
Madness radio: Globalization of psychiatry. Interview with Philip Thomas
Madness radio: Madness survivor voices. Interview with Gail Hornstein
Madness radio: America's depression epidemic. Interview with Bruce Levine
Madness radio: Schizophrenia recovery. Interview with Rufus May
Madness radio: Sane medication policy. Interview with Robert Whitaker
Madness radio: Hearing voices movement. Interview with Jacqui Dillon
Madness radio: Mad science, mad pride. Interview with Bradley Lewis
Madness radio: Beyond belief. Interview with Tamasin Knight
Madness radio: Conscience of psychiatry. Interview with Peter Breggin
Madness radio: Bipolar medication myths. Interview with Joanna Moncrieff
Madness radio: Meanings of madness. Interview with Gail Hornstein
Madness radio: Beyond biological reductionism. Interview with Raymond Tallis
The anomalies of evidence-based medicine in psychiatry: Time to rethink the basis of mental health practice. Philip Thomas, Pat Bracken & Sami Timimi
The rise of anti-psychiatry: A historical review. Oliver Ralley
Review of Portrait of the psychiatrist as a young man: The early writing and work of R.D. Laing, 1927-1960. Iain Smith
Depression and antidepressants in Australia and beyond - a critical public health analysis. Melissa Raven
Electroconvulsive therapy, the placebo effect and informed consent. Charlotte Blease
As he worked to strengthen ethics rules, NIMH director aided a leading transgressor. 
Undisclosed financial ties prompt reproval of doctor. 
Grassley ups total of undisclosed fees paid to prof by Glaxo. 
Science critics make issue of financial ties. 
Backlash on bipolar diagnoses in children. 
Psychiatrists, children and drug industry's role. 
Thomas Szasz obituary in Guardian and Hermeneutic Circular. Anthony Stadlen
Afterword: Against "global mental health". Derek Summerfield
Postpsychiatry - Reaching beyond the technological paradigm in mental health care. Pat Bracken
The recruitment problem in psychiatry: A critical commentary. Hans Stampfer
Two seminal '80's' films made by survivors:- We're not mad we're angry. From anger to action.
Struggling against psychiatry’s human rights violations – An anti-psychiatry perspective. Don Weitz
First, do no harm: Confronting the myths of psychiatric drugs. Phil Barker & Poppy Buchanan-Barker
Steps towards a Critical neuroscience. Jan Slaby
The chemical imbalance explanation of depression: Reducing blame at what cost? Brett Deacon & Grayson Baird
The "chemical imbalance" explanation for depression: Origins, lay endorsement and clinical implications. Christopher France et al
The triumph of pharmaceuticals: The portrayal of depression from 1980 to 2005. Juanne Clarke & Adele Gawley
On the brain disease model of mental disorders. Brett Deacon & James Lickel
Minimal-medication approaches to treating schizophrenia. Tim Calton & Helen Spandler
The engaged academic: Academic intellectuals and the psychiatric survivor movement. Mark Cresswell & Helen Spandler
From social exclusion to inclusion? A critique of the inclusion imperative in mental health. Helen Spandler
Psychosis and human rights: Conflicts in mental health policy and practice. Helen Spandler & Tim Calton
Spaces of psychiatric contention: A case study of a therapeutic community. Helen Spandler
Suicide judgement: A victory for human rights? Helen Spandler & Dina Poursanidou
Adult mental health in a changing international context: The relevance to social work. Shula Ramon
Mental illness is indeed a myth. Hanna Pickard
Social factors and recovery from mental health difficulties: A review of the evidence. Jerry Tew, Shula Ramon, Mike Slade et al
Clinical psychologist or covert psychiatrist? Kev Harding
Psychiatric power: A personal view. Pat Bracken
The hunt for gene effects pertinent to behavioural traits and psychiatric disorders: From mouse to human. Douglas Wahlsten
Psychiatry’s bible, the DSM, is doing more harm than good. Paula Caplan
The six most essential questions in psychiatric diagnosis: A pluralogue part 1: Conceptual and definitional issues in psychiatric diagnosis. James Phillips et al
The six most essential questions in psychiatric diagnosis: A pluralogue part 2: Issues of conservatism and pragmatism in psychiatric diagnosis. James Phillips et al
The biopsychosocial model in the origins of psychiatry. D B Double
Explanations and unexplanations: Restoring meaning to psychiatry. Jon Jureidini
DSM, democracy and psychiatric taboos. Anthony Morgan
Getting it from both sides: Foundational and anti-foundational critiques of psychiatry. Ronald Pies, Sairah Thompson & Nassir Ghaemi with commentaries and response from authors.
Madness - A new approach. Philip Thomas
A systematic review of the effects of antipsychotic drugs on brain volume. Jo Moncrieff & Jonathan Leo
Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, drug companies and the internet. Jessica Mitchell & John Read
Mass psychosis in the US. James Ridgeway
Should attentuated psychosis syndrome be included in DSM-5? Paolo Fusar-Poli & Alison R Yung
Culture, bereavement, and psychiatry. Arthur Kleinman
The stealth ECT psychiatrist in psychiatric reform. Peter Breggin
Negative childhood experiences and mental health: Theoretical, clinical and primary prevention implications. John Read & Richard Bentall
Review of Portrait of the psychiatrist as a young man. The early writing and work of RD Laing. by Allen Beveridge. Sharon Packer
Ritalin gone wrong. Alan Sroufe
Preventive psychiatry can be bad for our health. Allen Fancis
Beyond models, beyond paradigms. The radical interpretation of recovery. Pat Bracken
"Illnesses like any other". The challenge of a multi-disciplinary approach to mental health. Hugh Middleton
Talk given at Occupy the madness, Tent City University. Hugh Middleton
Medical 203. A short film about psychiatric classification. Peter Gordon.
Memoirs of a psychiatric orderly: Behind locked doors. 
The crumbling pillars of behavioural genetics. Jay Joseph
Sick brains, sick minds or sick societies? - What, if anything, might be 'enhanced'? Steven Rose. (Video of a lecture)
What is "mental illness" today? Five hard questions. Nikolas Rose. (Video of a lecture)
Bad medicine: Adult attention-deficit/hperactivity disorder. Des Spence
Response to FDA's call for information and comments regarding the classification of ECT devices. Leonard Roy Frank
The journey of transformation. Leonard Roy Frank
Psychiatry's unholy trinity - Fraud, fear and force: A personal account. Leonard Roy Frank
Electroshock: A crime against the spirit. Leonard Roy Frank
Why were doctors so slow to recognise antidepressant discontinuation problems? Duncan Double
'They won't do any harm and might do some good': Time to think again on the use of antidepressants? Hugh Middleton & Joanna Moncrieff
Diagnosing in the dark. Jacob Sullum
My electric shock nightmare at the hands of the CIA's evil doctor. Celia Imrie
Mental illness as 'an illness like any other': A critical review. Anthony Morgan
With more talk in mind. John Read
Myth of mental health nursing and the challenge of recovery. Phil Barker & Poppy Buchanan-Barker
The mental illness industry is medicalising normality. Lisa Appignanesi
Critical analysis of the concept of adult attention-deficit disorder. Joanna Moncrieff & Sami Timimi
Descandalizing Laing: R.D. Laing as a social theorist. Samantha Bark
'The illusions of psychiatry': An exchange. John Oldham, Daniel Carlat, Richard Friedman, and Andrew Nierenberg, reply by Marcia Angell
Contested jurisdictions: Psychiatry, psychoanalysis, and clinical psychology in the United States, 1940–2010. Andrew Scull
Why does academic medicine allow ghostwriting? A prescription for reform. Jonathan Leo, Jeffrey R. Lacasse & Andrea N. Cimino
Mainstream psychiatry is failing - but there is another way. John Hoggett
Clinical psychology practice without using psychiatric labels: An alternative approach using personal construct psychology. Kev Harding
Schizophrenia: 100 years on. A write up of a seminar series. Anthony Morgan
Bipolar label soars among kids. Jeremy Olson
Psychiatry and the scientific fallacy. Michael Saraga & Friedrich Stiefel
With depression you have to fight - everywhere you go. Tony Giordano
Response to the American Psychiatric Association: DSM-5 development. British Psychological Society.
Aripiprazole in the maintenance treatment of bipolar disorder: A critical review of the evidence and its dissemination into the scientific literature. Alexander C. Tsai et al
The epidemic of mental illness: Why? Marcia Angell
The illusions of psychiatry. Marcia Angell
Is graduate social work education promoting a critical approach to mental health practice? Jeffrey Lacasse & Tomi Gomory
Campaign to abolish psychiatric diagnostic systems such as ICD and DSM (CAPSID). Sami Timimi
The McDonaldization of childhood: Children's mental health in neo-liberal market cultures. Sami Timimi
The psychoactive effects of antidepressants and their association with suicidality. Lucy Goldsmith & Joanna Moncrieff
The myth of mental illness: 50 years later. Thomas Szasz
Bad medicine: Bipolar II disorder. Des Spence
Star*D: A tale and trail of bias. Ed Pigott
Efficacy and effectiveness of antidepressants: Current status of research. Ed Pigott et al
Excess significance bias in the literature on brain volume abnormalities. John Ioannidis
The make-believe million: How drug companies exaggerate research costs to justify absurd profits. 
Questioning the ‘neuroprotective’ hypothesis: Does drug treatment prevent brain damage in early psychosis or schizophrenia? Joanna Moncrieff
The end of drugging children: Toward the genealogy of the ADHD subject. Edward J. Comstock
Senseless. Did the perpetrator of the Tuscon massacre have a reason? Thomas Szasz.
The rise in bipolar disorder is a myth. Phil Barker and Poppy Buchanan-Barker.
Lies, damned lies and medical science. David H. Freedman.
Contradicted and initially stronger effects in highly cited clinical research. John Ioannidis.
From Szasz to Foucault: On the role of critical psychiatry. Pat Bracken & Philip Thomas
Psychiatry, anti-psychiatry, critical psychiatry: What do these terms mean?. Thomas Szasz
Binary oppositions in psychiatry: For or against? Matthew Ratcliffe
Is private (contract-based) practice an answer to the problems of psychiatry? Pat Bracken & Phil Thomas
Genetic research in psychiatry and psychology: A critical overview. Jay Joseph
The fruitless search for genes in psychiatry and psychology: Time to re-examine a paradigm? Jay Joseph & Carl Ratner
Schizophrenia, reification and deadened life. Alaister Morgan
Ask not for whom the drug tolls. Wendy McElroy
The effectiveness of electroconvulsive therapy: A literature review. John Read & Richard Bentall
Transcultural mental health care: The challenge to positivist psychiatry. David Ingleby
Psychiatric diagnosis as a political device. Joanna Moncrieff
Surviving in psychiatry as a systemic therapist. Paulo Bertrando
Child psychiatry and its relationship with the pharmaceutical industry: Theoretical and practical issues. Sami Timimi
Psychiatry: The mental hell service and its health angels. Dominik Ritter
McTherapy. Dominik Ritter
Survivor supervision of trainee mental health professionals:
Keeping it real, challenging academic perspectives, creating new roles and breaking down boundaries. Louise Pembroke
Mental illness as brain disease: A brief history lesson. Thomas Szasz
Needed: Critical thinking about psychiatric medications. David Cohen
Preview to proceedings of Dialectics of liberation conference online
Self-harm and medicine’s moral code: A historical perspective, 1950–2000. Mark Cresswell & Zulfia Karimova
Drug firms hiding negative research are unfit to experiment on people. Ben Goldacre
Madness, myth and medicine. Ron Roberts on the continuing relevance of Thomas Szasz, now in his 91st year
No excuses: The reality cure of Thomas Szasz. Phil Barker & Poppy Buchanan-Barker
Psychosocial treatment, antipsychotic postponement, and low-dose medication strategies in first-episode psychosis: A review of the literature. John R Bola, Klaus Lehtinen, Johan Cullberg & Luc Ciompi
Sociology of
pharmaceuticals development and regulation: A realist empirical research
programme. John Abraham
Big pharma, bad
medicine. Maria Angell
Selling diseases.
Adriane Fugh-Berman
psychiatry on Wikipedia
psychiatric revolution. Andrew Scull
Judy Chamberlin
obituary. Phil Barker & Poppy Buchanan-Barker
The legacy of
Thomas Szasz. Phil Barker & Poppy Buchanan-Barker
Szasz and his interlocutors:
Reconsidering Thomas Szasz’s “Myth of mental illness” thesis. Mark
The politics of mental
illness: Myth and power in the work of Thomas S. Szasz. Jan Pols
Is ADHD a valid
diagnosis in adults? No. Joanna Moncrieff & Sami Timimi
The promotion of
olanzapine in primary care: An examination of internal industry documents.
Glen I. Spielmans
health nursing is not for sale: Rethinking nursing’s relationship with the
pharmaceutical industry. Richard Lakeman
epistemological certainty and pharmaco-centrism in mental health nursing.
Richard Lakeman & JR Cutcliffe
Welcome to
the 'paradigm war'. The case of antidepressant medication. Review of
Irving Kirsch's The
Emperor's new drugs: Exploding the antidepressant myth. Richard House
negative: Psychiatry and the foibles of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual
V (DSM-V) John Sorboro
critique of the dopamine hypothesis of schizophrenia and psychosis.
Joanna Moncrieff
Advocacy update.
The latest in activism and community news from ENUSP, the European Network of
(ex)Users and Survivors of Psychiatry.
belief: Alternative ways of working with delusions, obsessions and unusual
experiences,. Tamasin Knight
interview with Pat Bracken on post-modern psychiatry and the social context
of trauma Wise Counsel Podcast
systematic review of the Soteria paradigm for the treatment of people
diagnosed with schizophrenia. Tim Calton, Michael Ferriter, Nick Huband
& Helen Spandler
scientifically valid is the knowledge base of global mental health? Derek
Depression: A
medical or existential condition? James Baxter
annihilation of subjective experience. Alaister Morgan & Tim Calton
Mind your
language. Louise Pembroke
Series on how
we improve relationships between service users and psychiatrists. Louise
so-called ‘ADHD’ as a cultural affliction of late modernity. Review of Rethinking
ADHD: From brain to culture edited by Sami Timimi & Jonathan Leo.
Richard House.
Psychopolitics: Peter
Sedgwick's legacy for the politics of mental health. Mark Cresswell &
Helen Spandler
are psychiatry's star signs. Let's listen more and drug people less.
Richard Bentall
in english from Peter Lehmann
Publishing website
"The myth of
the chemical cure". Joanna Moncrieff 
response to Invited
commentary on ... Beyond consultation. Pat Bracken & Phil Thomas
consultation: The challenge of working with user/survivor and carer groups.
Pat Bracken & Phil Thomas
How do
psychiatric drugs work? Joanna Moncrieff & David Cohen
Only you can cure
yourself. Ann Lawson
diagnoses are less reliable than star signs", interview with Richard
Bentall. Ed Halliwell.
a psychiatrist? Are you mad? Review of Richard Bentall's Doctoring
the mind. Salley Vickers
Who owns the
mind? Gail Hornstein
The subjective
experience of taking antipsychotic medication: a content analysis of Internet
data. J Moncrieff, D Cohen & JP Mason.
medical school in ethics quandry. 
maker is accused of fraud 
fool on the hill. Lancet review of The myth of the
chemical cure and Side effects: A prosecutor, a
whistleblower, and a bestselling antidepressant on trial
The wind
never lies. Steven Morgan
An analysis of
medical and legal flaws in the PCL-R. Bob Johnson
medicated army. 
Doctors, patients and
the pharmaceutical industry. Joe Collier
Relationships with
the drug industry: Keep at arm's length. Marcia Angell
treatments that are not evidence-based: How DSM-IV clarifies, how it blinds
psychiatrists to issues in need of investigation. Simon Sobo
strengths and weaknesses of DSM-IV. Simon Sobo
Review of Critical
psychiatry: The limits of madness. Phil Barker and reply and further reply.
Eli Lilly pays
record $1.4bn for promoting off label use of olanzapine. BMJ News
Summary of Humanizing
madness: Psychiatry and the cognitive neurosciences by Jock McLaren
and Canadian psychiatry: A critique. Jock McLaren
convenient myth of Thomas Szasz. P Buchanan-Barker & P Barker
radical psychiatrist as trickster. Helen Spandler
Anti-coercion is not
anti-psychiatry. Thomas Szasz
Drug companies and
doctors: A story of corruption. Marcia Angell
advice lacks nerve. Sami Timimi
solved other people's problems - but not his own' 
of Alternatives
beyond psychiatry. DB Double
group faces scrutiny over drug industry ties 
health in an age of celebrity: The courage to care. Phil Barker &
Poppy Buchanan-Barker
psychiatry entry in Encyclopedia
of psychology. David Cohen
Mental health revolution. Talk by Pat
Bracken. [Presentation]
recommendations are not evidence based and could expose many to unnecessary
harm Sami Timimi, Jon Jureidini & Jonathan Leo [Full
clinical research: A broken system. Marcia Angell
Greed. New York Times columnist, Judith Warner
online review of Users
and abusers of psychiatry
online review of Formulation
in psychology and psychotherapy
Clinical psychology
and truth. David Smail
Pharma and
medical education: Some progress in UK psychiatry. Joanna Moncrieff,
Philip Thomas & Rhodri Huws
social/emotional theory of depression. Thomas Scheff
Rampage shooting:
Emotions and relationships as cause. Thomas Scheff
Letter Louise
Pembroke re Service
users, power, authority and protest: A call for renewed activism. Richard
Lakeman, Patrick McGowan & Jim Walsh
we be 'pushing meds'? The implications of pharmacogenomics. J Bray, C
Clarke, G Brennan & T Muncey
rewards of research. Arnold S Relman
our leading paediatricians drug industry shills? Lawrence Diller
other side of mental health science. Steve Morgan
Key opinion
leaders: independent experts or drug representatives in disguise? Ray
standards of care. Lawrence Diller
fail to reveal full drug pay. NYTimes
An e-interview
with Pat Bracken
Helping patients
stop taking SSRIs. James Alexander
Nick Woodhead
Listen to the
wounded healers. Philip Thomas
violence and the concept of collective psychopathology. Richard
description of The
missing gene. Jay Joseph
Coming off medication
Guy Holmes & Marese Hudson
overdose, Campaigning against irresponsible drug promotion
the potential of the brain in major psychiatric disorders. Steven Morgan
the soul back into psychiatry. Mind thinktank report
psychiatrc drugs can increase violence" Press release of new task
force on mental health legal advocacy and activism
'do not work' BBC News
Radio 4 debate on antidepressant study
The psychiatric truth
that dares not speak its name. Review of The
Myth of the Chemical Cure. Bob Johnson
severity and antidepressant benefits: A meta-analysis of data submitted to
the Food and Drug Administration. Irving Kirsch et al
listening cure. Time magazine
"The Gillberg
affair", a medical research scandal in Sweden (working draft).
Douglas Keenan
Review of The
myth of the chemical cure. Sarah Yates
to force more involuntary treatment stir debate. Washington Post
media and the chemical imbalance theory of depression. Jonathan Leo &
Jeffrey Lacasse
Washing the numbers, selling
the model (Depression - The facts and the fables). Ben Goldacre
paradigms: Promoting a recovery agenda in mental health. Pat Bracken
psychotic among us: The emerging view of psychosis and its possible
implications for stigma. Tony Benning
of Mental
Health at the Crossroads. Sjoerd Sytema
Critical psychiatry.
Barry Turner
Letter to NAMI that
is critical of the psychiatric medical model. Steven Morgan
The strength and
weaknesses of DSM-IV: How it clarifies, how it blinds psychiatrists to issues
in need of investigation. Simon Sobo
The disease-centred
model of drug action in psychiatry. Sample chapter 1 from The
Myth of the Chemical Cure: A Critique of Psychiatric Drug Treatment.
Joanna Moncrieff
not so easy to predict murder - do the maths. Ben Goldacre
When hospital
is a prison. Ben Goldacre
More than molecules - how pill
pushers and the media medicalise social problems. [mp3 lecture] Ben
with Thomas Szasz about his new book Coercion
as Cure. René Talbot
The trouble with
psychiatry. John Sorboro
Are antidepressants as
effective as claimed? No, they are not effective at all. Joanna Moncrieff
new epidemic. Healthy Skepticism video
next for Craig? Panorama programme about ADHD
Review of Dying for a Cure. Claire Ward
Beware of mentioning
psychosocial factors. Ben Goldacre
reduction guide to coming off psychiatric drugs. Icarus Project and
Freedom Centre
Should young people be given
antidepressants? No. Sami Timimi
Review of Critical
voices in child and adolescent mental health
Review of Making
us crazy. Miles Clapham
Review of Alternatives
beyond psychiatry. Karl Koehler
online review of Postpsychiatry:
Mental Health in a Postmodern World. Brad Lewis
without context: Turning sadness into disease. Review by Arthur Kleinman
of The
loss of sadness: How psychiatry transformed normal sorrow into depressive
Debunking the myth
of the chemical imbalance. Joanna Moncrieff
Psychiatry - A
nihilistic discipline. Bob Johnson
The acceptable
limits of psychiatry. Duncan Double
of Soul
Survivor. Mira de Vries
book review of Critical
psychiatry: The limits of madness. Tony O'Brien
Furor Therapeuticus:
Benjamin Rush and the Philadelphia Yellow Fever Epidemic of 1793. Leon
Health Today review of Critical
psychiatry: The limits of madness
Mental Health
Today review of Critical
voices in child and adolescent mental health
Bush's mental
health madness. John Sorboro
Given the choice, I'd
have the miracle pill story. Ben Goldacre
out. David Gale
Psychiatric Services book
review of Postpsychiatry:
Mental Health in a Postmodern World.
John Huddleston
Diagnosis and
drug treatment. Joanna Moncrieff
The sexual abuse of
psychiatric patients: The cover-up and the government white-wash. A review of
the Kerr-Haslam inquiry. Phil Virden
Challenging risk:
A critique of defensive practice. D B Double
up the culture of blame' Risk assessment and risk management in psychiatric
practice. John Morgan
perspectives on anti-psychiatry. D B Double
Psychologist review of Critical
psychiatry: The limits of madness
Listening to Chekhov:
Narrative approaches to depression. Brad Lewis
Can you live with
the voices in your head? New York Times article
Challenging the status
quo. Irish Times article
fictions of Foucault's scholarship. Andrew Scull and letters
in reply
mad doctor: The extraordinary story of Dr Rufus May, the former psychiatric
patient Rufus May
BMJ Review
of Critical
psychiatry: The limits of madness
What did you
say? Tracey Hayes
Review of Moving
beyond Prozac, DSM and the new psychiatry: The birth of postpsychiatry
Published Research Findings Are False.But a Little Replication Goes a Long
Way. Ramal Moonesinghe, Muin J. Khoury, A. Cecile J. W. Janssens
The survivor's
voice. Radical Psychology 2006, volume 5
When more is not enough. Justine Cooper
Tom Cruise takes on Lord
Psychopharm and his psychiatrists of the Round Tablets
An appreciation
of Self-harm:
Perspectives from personal experience (edited by Louise Pembroke).
Mark Cresswell
Posted comments on Mental
illness is just about life experiences
description of The
Gene Illusion. Jay Joseph
Rebalancing the
approach to mental health. Pat Bracken & Marcellino Smyth
psychiatry inquiries must be fair, open and transparent. Michael King et
Letter to
editor, Observer re: Challenge to mental health homicide rate. Duncan
Letter to editor,
Observer re: Community treatment orders making services more bureaucratic
and defensive. Duncan Double
making us sick. Tim Cantopher
critical psychiatry a threat? Adam James
of Contesting
psychiatry: Social movements in mental health. Elisabetta Sirgiovanni
of Mental
Health at the Crossroads. Tony O'Brien
of Postpsychiatry:
Mental Health in a Postmodern World. Jack Piachaud
Prejudice and
schizophrenia: A review of the mental illness is an illness like any other
approach. J Read, N Haslam, L Sayce, E
the gaps. Adam James
Review of Critical
Psychiatry by David Ingleby. Christian Perring
Copy of
information on First Person Accounts from 
do we recover? An analysis of psychiatric survivor oral histories. Oryx
of madness, as told from within. Gail Hornstein
of first-person narratives of madness in english. Gail Hornstein
Unite for a
non-violent revolution in the mental health system: What 30 years in the mad
movement have taught me. David Oaks
Good ideas, bad language and getting out of the box. P. Barker & P.
troubled relationship between psychiatry and sociology. David Pilgrim
& Anne Rogers
to Health Skepticism. Peter
Was RD Laing a
postmodern psychiatrist? Tony Benning
perspectives in medication management. Simon Sobo
On the banality of
positive thinking. Simon Sobo
disorder in children and adolescents: A caution. Simon Sobo
reevaluation of the relationship between psychiatric diagnosis and chemical
imbalances. Simon Sobo
Mood stabilizers
and mood swings: In search of a definition. Simon Sobo
and other sins of our children. Simon Sobo [Shorter version]
Children: our
treasure. Dan L. Edmunds
Tracey Hayes
Soul doctor or soul
destroyer? Tracey Hayes
of Moving
beyond Prozac, DSM and the new psychiatry. Jennifer Hansen and reply by
the author Brad Lewis.
Sequel to only you can
cure yourself. Ann Lawson
abuse can cause schizophrenia. Report of a debate in which the motion was
passed by 114 to 52 votes.
self-harm. Louise Pembroke
home is broken: The closure of a Philadelphia Association household.
Marie-Laure Davenport
and psychotherapy - a Wittgensteinian approach. John Heaton
against all odds - the PA community households. Paul Gordon
sorcery, alienation. John Heaton
antidepressants cure or create abnormal brain states? Joanna Moncrieff
& David Cohen
psychiatrist's view. Alec Jenner
Why is it so
difficult to stop psychiatric drug treatment? It may have nothing to do with
the original problem. Joanna Moncrieff
skepticism about antidepressants for children and adolescents. Peter
Mansfield, Jon Jureidini, Melissa Raven & Anne Tonkin
self harm' - is it possible? RCN Congress discusses the nurse.s role
in enabling safe self harm - introduced by Chris Holley.
collection of articles on disease mongering in PLoS Medicine
fight against disease mongering: Generating knowledge for action. Ray
Moynihan & David Henry
most published research findings are false. John P. A. Ioannidis
latest mania: Selling bipolar disorder. David Healy
'My tutor said
to me, this talk is dangerous' Adam James
Psychiatric drug promotion
and the politics of neoliberalism. Joanna Moncrieff
resolution and home treatment. Edited by Marcellino Smyth
the diagnosis not the children. Janice Hill
myth of mental illness' Thomas S.Szasz. Transcript of lecture.
Review of
Peter Lehmann's Coming
off psychiatric drugs: Successful withdrawal from neuroleptics,
antidepressants, lithium, carbamazepine and tranquillisers. Karl Koehler
cuts hit mental health care The National Director for Mental Health in
England says that NHS cuts are hitting some services '''in a severe way''. 
American Journal of Psychiatry advertise duloxetine with its e-mail listing
of journal contents by giving link to company video that is said to
illustrate how affecting the neurotransmitters serotonin and norepinephrine
in the body may alleviate the symptoms of Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) Play
the video
Court filing
makes public my previously suppressed analysis of Paxil's effects. Peter
Wonder drug inspires
deep, unwavering love of pharmaceutical companies. 
shame DBDouble, in reply to Justice for a hero of
hidden horrors. David Southall
Are there statins
in the water? Health care and the drug industry. Timothy Doty
Do you feel
unmotivated? Health care and the drug industry. Timothy Doty
under the influence? Health care and the drug industry. Timothy Doty
Safer mental
health services: They also need to be sound and supportive. The Norwich
perspective. D B Double
Harm minimisation:
Limiting the damage of self-injury. Louis Pembroke
Tao of therapy. Theodor Itten
and psychiatry. Pat Bracken
with coming off: Service user-led research. Jan Wallcraft
and children's mental health. Sami Timimi
and mental health of black and minority ethnic groups. Kwame McKenzie
Kenneth Eng
Teenscreen: A front
group for the psycho-pharmaceutical industrial complex.
drugs: An assault on the human condition. Street Spirit interview with
Robert Whitaker
Laing and the nature of evil. Juan Galis-Menendez
brains or flawed studies: A critical review of ADHD neuroimaging research.
Jonathan Leo & David Cohen
biology of mental illness. Jonathan Leo
and co-option: The recent fate of the psychiatric patient's voice. David
madness and science: RD Laing and critical psychology. Ron Roberts
The future of critical
psychiatry. John Hopton
Lewis advocates new path for psychiatry
Indian psychiatry. Amit Ranjan Basu
Medical students are taught it.s all in the genes, but are they hearing the
whole story? Jonathan Leo & Jay Joseph
The myth of
evidence-based psychotherapy. John Marzillier
Learning to
live with voices. Sandra Escher, Mark Hayward, David Kingdon & Louise
You.d better believe
it: Accepting and working within the client.s own reality. Tamasin Knight
community treatment (ACT): The case against the "Best tested"
evidence-based community treatment for severe mental illness. Tomi Gomory
The origins of
coercion in "Assertive community treatment" (ACT): A review of
early publications from the "Special treatment unit (STU) of Mendota State
Hospital. Tomi Gomory
lobotomy": Howard Dully's story. NPR
on the drug defenders. Time Pacific
pills. Time Pacific
Essay questions
role of antidepressants. WebMDHealth
Study: Public misled by depression ads.
United Press International
Some drugs work to treat depression,
but it isn't clear how. Wall Street Journal
rise and rise of ADHD. Sami Timimi & Nick Radcliffe
is biobabble" Interview with Sami Timimi
for SSRIs may be misleading. Medscape medical news
Historian of
psychoanalysis whose 'subversive' research upset Freud's family and followers.
Morton Schatzman
Laing and
psychotherapy. John Heaton
Letter to the Editor,
New Yorker magazine. Hunter Yost
and depression: A disconnect between the advertisements and the scientific
literature. Jeffery R Lacasse & Jonathan Leo
misconceived. James Baxter
What chance
postpsychiatry? Phil Barker & Poppy Buchanan-Barker
A case for
psychologists becoming clinical supervisors. David Pilgrim
Challenging the globalisation
of biomedical psychiatry. Phil Thomas et al
The bio-bio-bio
model of madness. John Read
Wishful thinking:
Antidepressant drugs in children. Anne Tonkin and Jon Jureidini
'Dangerous and
severe personality disorder': A psychiatric manifestation of the risk society.
Kevin Corbett & Tristen Westwood
pioneers: The unwritten history of the therapeutic community movement.
Malcolm Pines
Jones. David Clark
we learned to operate therapeutic communities. David Clark
Regulating the
drug industry transparently. John Abraham
psychiatry and sociology. David Pilgrim & Anne Rogers
The origins of
critical psychiatry. David Ingleby
Efficacy of
antidepressants in adults. Joanna Moncrieff & Irving Kirsch
Szasz. Jeffery Schaler
abuse in Ireland. Sean Fleming.
Effect of
globalisation on children's mental health. Sami Timimi
of psychiatry in the Netherlands: or Rosencrantz and Guildenstern in mental
health. Philip Schrameijer
The tide of
prescribing for depression is turning. Des Spence
reductionism. Reclaiming psychiatry. Wesley Sowers.
acute problem. Rufus May
of Madhouse
by Andrew Scull. D B Double
Normal and
abnormal: Georges Canguilhem and the question of mental pathology.
Victoria Margree
Preface to the
second edition of Critical
Psychiatry by David Ingleby
voices: A phenomenological-hermeneutic approach. Philip Thomas, Patrick
Bracken & Ivan Leudar
Lancet review
of Sami Timimi's Naughty
Beast: A Personal Memoir of David Cooper. Steven Ticktin
models of psychotropic drug action. J. Moncrieff & D. Cohen.
Book review of
John Read et al Models
of Madness
"Knowing what
ain't so": R.D. Laing and Thomas Szasz. Thomas Szasz
Trying to
knit fog? An e-debate between Malcolm Weller and Duncan Double
with the mind. Review of Steven Rose's The
21st Century Mind
Cross cultural
perspectives on the medicalisation of human suffering. Derek Summerfield.
and the pharmaceutical industry: who pays the piper? Joanna Moncrieff,
Steve Hopker & Philip Thomas
A triumph of marketing over science? David O. Antonuccio, David D. Burns
& William G. Danton
Existential knots:
Laing's anti-psychiatry and Kierkegaard's existentialism. Antonio
The recognition
of antidepressant discontinuation reactions. D B Double
dominated psychiatry in N. Ireland. Sean Fleming
of childhood depression is problematic; reference to antidepressant usage.
Richard Skelton
The failure to
fully inform patients of the dangers of neuroleptics. Sean Fleming
non-toxic approaches to helping children who could be diagnosed with ADHD and
their families: Reflections of a UK clinician. Sami Timimi
childhood depression. Sami Timimi
Charismatic ideas. Rex Haigh
Will soaps or
science open others' minds? Review of Richard Bentall's Madness
Explained: Psychosis and Human Nature (2003). Philip Thomas
Neuroscience and
psychiatric residency training. Donald Mender
fraud and force: A critique of E. Fuller Torrey. Thomas Szasz
Paradigm shift in
psychiatry. D B Double
review of The truth about drug companies. D B Double
What is mental
illness? James Baxter
Depression and
depressive illness. James Baxter
Choosing a
psychotherapist. James Baxter
dangerous dose. Review of The truth about drug companies by Marcia
Angell. Carl Elliott
Critical psychiatry in
practice. Philip Thomas & Patrick Bracken
studies of psychiatry. Special issue of The Journal of Medical
The role of
premenstrual dysphoric disorder in the subjectification of women. Jane
A very
childish moral panic: Ritalin. Toby Miller & Marie Claire Leger
Psychiatry and
postmodern theory. Bradley Lewis
packaging: Marketing depression as illness, drugs as cure. Paula Gardner
Prozac and the
post-human politics of cyborgs. Bradley E Lewis
A reply to Bradley
Lewis's "Prozac and the post-human politics of cyborgs". David
to David DeGrazia. Bradley Lewis
Is it me or my brain?
Depression and neuroscientific facts. Joseph Dumit
Selling sanity
through gender: The psychodynamics of psychotropic advertising. Jonathan
M Metzl
Being approximate:
The Ganser syndrome and beyond. Mady Schutzman
'psychosis' and the Kundalini: 'Postmodern' perspectives on unusual
subjective experience. Richard House
article: Therapy and postmodernist thought. Richard House
of Law, liberty and psychiatry by Thomas Szsaz. Stephen D'Arcy
the medicalisation of "challenging behaviour"; or Protecting our
children from "pervasive labelling disorder". Richard House
Commentary: Some
thoughts on difference, the .profession., and transcending the ideologies of
late modernity. Richard House
statutory regulation of psychotherapy. Still time to think again. Richard
Beyond biomedical
models: A perspective from critical psychiatry. DB Double
The truth about the drug
companies. Marcia Angell
Mosher obituary. Leon Redler
Lone voice. An
interview with Loren Mosher.
Treating oppression
and depression. Sean Fleming
bias of the American Psychiatric Association. Duncan Double
A critique
of the international consensus statement on ADHD. Sami Timimi et al
Laing and existential psychotherapy. Daniel Burston
Marmor credit for the idea that homosexuality is not a disease is undeserved.
Jeffery A Schaler
Postpsychiatry is
not another model. Pat Bracken and Phil Thomas
makers withhold data on children. Shankar Vedantam Washington Post
Staff Writer
What they
left behind. Suitcases from an insane asylum tell us of lives long lost.
Jennifer Gonnerman
The .not so nice. guidelines. Phil Barker and Poppy Buchanan-Barker
Review of The
Gene Illusion by Jay Joseph. Richard Holdsworth
The limits of
biological psychiatry. Douglas C Smith
The answer on the
mind-body question as a crucial means for social control and oppression.
Rene Talbot
The new
practitioner - the emergence of the post-modern clinician. Sami Timimi
ADHD is best
understood as a cultural construct. Sami Timimi
by Scientific Panel for the Fast for Freedom in Mental Health to American
Psychiatric Association Statement on Diagnosis and Treatment of Mental Illness
psychiatry for sale? Joanna Moncrieff
Poverty and
discourse. David Harper
social constructionist and critical psychology into clinical psychology
training. David Harper,
Storying policy:
Constructions of risk in proposals to reform UK mental health legislation.
David Harper
Suicidality, violence and mania
caused by selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs): A review and
analysis. Peter Breggin
Double blind random
bluff. Joanna Moncrieff & Duncan Double
paranoia: An analysis of the discourses associated with the concept of
paranoid delusion. Dave Harper
Lilly awards
themselves a NICE recommendation for olanzapine. D B Double
crazy after all these years. Jeannette de Wyze
associations. Inside psychoanalytic institutes. Douglas Kirsner
Letter to the
editor, Observer. D B Double re Its
not only Frank. The inadequacy of mental health provision must be addressed
now Mary Riddell and reply
Reply to American
Psychiatric Association Statement on Diagnosis and Treatment of Mental
Illness. D B Double
It would be NICE
to control the marketing of risperidone. DB Double
The cure of souls in the therapeutic
state. Thomas Szasz
review Madness Explained: Psychosis and Human Nature (2003) by Richard
Bentall DB Double
Pseudoscience in
psych. Alex Chernavsky
We must challenge the way we
perceive mental distress. Dan Watson & John Cooper
On the legacy
of Ronald Laing. FA Jenner
the precautionary principle. Helene Guldberg
I learned my trade. David Clark
The right to be at
risk. Joe Berke
our own terms. Jan Wallcraft with Jim Read and Angela Sweeney
Still Crazy After
All Those Years; Local Shrink Assails the Schizophrenia Racket. Jeannette De Wyze
psychiatry's resistance to change. Terry Lynch
Psychotherapy: How
can we help? David Smail
Psychiatry and the
human sciences. Mark Turner
What does it
mean to say that antidepressants have helped millions of people round the
world? D B Double
A shocking
treatment? Lucy Johnstone
The legacy of RD Laing.
Special issue of Janus Head, Spring 2001
Review of Pathological
Child Psychiatry and the Medicalization of Childhood by Sami Timimi
D B Double
to the Psychologist re Peer commentary - To
prescribe or not to prescribe - Is that the question? D B Double
The fall of
the house of Kraepelin: 'The dialetics of schizophrenia'. Phil Thomas
to International
consensus statement on ADHD. Duncan Double
patients need more than drugs and psychiatrists. Sharon Williams.
a biomedical approach to psychiatric practice be justified? Duncan Double
letter to Kamal Ahmed, Political Editor, The Observer, re his
article "Britons
swallow cure-all drugs" Duncan Double
letter to Jo Revill, Health Editor, The Observer, re her article
fail to spot manic-depression" Duncan Double
Hanky, panky in the
pharmaceutical industry. Seymour Fisher
psychiatry and the use of ECT. Pat Bracken
Is psychiatry
hearing voices too? Brook Durling
Mad, bad and
dangerous. Tim Luckhurst
thinking in psychiatry: A positive agenda for change. D B Double
'mental illness'. David Ingleby
The virtue of
caring with: Exploring the necessary conditions for healing in mental health
nursing. Phil Barker.
Chapter on RD
Laing from Just
Listening. Steven Gans and Leon Redler
Redressing the
imbalance. Duncan Double
Sins of the Fathers. Is
child molestation a sickness or a crime? Thomas Szasz
A service
user/survivor position on psychiatric drugs. Peter Campbell
survivors: Is there anything we can do? Peter Campbell
there is a placebo effect, but is there a powerful antidepressant drug
effect? Irving Kirsch
Democracy and
mental health: The idea of post-psychiatry. Pat Bracken
Understanding the
biopsychological approach: Conceptualisation. Paul Gilbert
Ethics and
psychiatric knowledge. EK Ledermann
service user/survivor movement. Peter Campbell
User-led research.
Towards a radically different mental health system. Alison Faulkner &
Vicky Nicholls.
Taking over the
asylum. Marian Barnes.
Is the desire for
safety driven by the needs of the mentally ill, by fear of litigation, or by
bad press? Carsten Dernedde
Drug treatment in
modern psychiatry: The history of a delusion. Joanna Moncrieff
Thinking about a drug-free
culture for mental health services. Jim Read.
Unity within
diversity: Mental health in the global century. Eugene Brody
Speaking out.
Craig Newnes
So farewell
then, CMHTs. Guy Holmes
Surviving a
flawed mental health system Simon Gelsthorpe.
biopsychological model in Anglo-American psychiatry: Past, present and
future? David Pilgrim.
Options and dilemmas
facing British mental health social work Shula Ramon.
Going Social:
Championing a holistic model of mental distress within professional education
Jerry Tew.
Madness, murder and
media. A realistic critique of the psychiatric disciplines in post-liberal
society. Peter Morrall
Last words of a
medical historian. Andrew Scull. Review of Roy Porter's Madness: A Brief
The limits of
psychiatry. Duncan Double
A critique of
psychiatry and an invitation to dialogue. Ron Leifer
It's all done with
smoke and mirrors. Or, how to create the illusion of a schizophrenic brain
disease. Mary Boyle
Royal College
of Psychiatrists webguide to critical psychiatry. Duncan Double
back half - Crazy for you. Roy Porter
psychiatry. A profession run amok. Nicholas Regush
Trial by kangaroo
court. Denise McKenna
The grapes of Roth
Book review by Peter Sedgwick of David Ingleby (ed) (1981) Critical
Psychiatry: the politics of mental health
hope for recovery from a British perspective. Piers Allott & Linda
Vincent's bandage:
The art of selling a drug for bipolar disorder. Phil Thomas & Pat
over-medication should be the mental health movement's first task.
Nathaniel S Lehrman
Psychiatry: Still
disagreeing. Lucy Johnstone
Random excerpts
from Commonsense Rebellion: Debunking Psychiatry, Confronting Society
by Bruce E. Levine
review by Lucy Johnstone of This is Madness Too
Modernising the
social model in mental health. Maria Duggan
D Laing: Maverick of the mind
Paper on the protection of the human rights and dignity of people suffering
from mental disorder, especially those placed as involuntary patients.
Peter Lehrmann
Berlin runaway house - three years of antipsychiatric practice. Iris
Critical psychiatry:
Seeing psychiatry as it really is. D B Double
Developing a New
Paradigm, DSM0? The need for a redefinition of 'Mental Illness' which recognises
and is based on 'lived experience' Piers Allott
"Can I see
the test results please?" Craig Newnes
of India's mentally ill. Jill McGivering's BBC report on the conditions
of people with mental health problems in the Indian town of Ervadi.
It's time
to stop permitting abuse. Sylvia Caras
Mix 'n' match? Lucy
Johnstone argues that the NSF does not do enough to challenge a biomedical
view of mental health
Politics Resistance: Asylum in the 21st Century - Report on day conference.
Ian Parker
and the dominance of the bio-medical model. John Cooper
Can psychiatry
abandon the "medical model"? Duncan Double
A year of care.
Diana Rose
pursuit of happiness. Fiona Campbell. - Problems of lithium
Letter to the
editor, British Journal of Psychiatry about Editorial by Kendell RE
(2001) The distinction between mental and physical illness
in name only Jon Ossoff
Is mental
illness a valid concept? Richard Holt
'Not made of
wood' - 2001: On the power of medical maya Jan Foudraine
Loren Mosher's generic letter of response
to questions usually raised by his website - what to do about medication,
withdrawal reactions and how best to handle a crisis
A new direction for mental health Pat Bracken & Phil Thomas
A unitary
theory of stigmatisation Rahman Haghighat
Biopsychiatric Model of "Mental Illness": A Critical Bibliography
by Loren R. Mosher M.D.
Summary of
talk from Andy Bithell from ECT Anonymous
Review of
Johnstone L (2000) Users and abusers of psychiatry: a critical look at
psychiatric practice. (Second edition) London: Routledge. Duncan Double
critical psychiatry into psychiatric training. Duncan Double
Schizophrenia and the
Emperor's (not so) new clothes. Paul Baker
Social relations and therapeutic relations. RD Hinshelwood
The Crisis of
Present-Day Psychiatry: The Loss of the Personal. Osborne P. Wiggins and Michael
Alan Schwartz
The psychiatric repression of
Thomas Szasz: Its social and political significance Ronald Leifer
The future of psychiatry. N
What is
wrong with psychiatry?. Al Siebert
A journey through
madness. Donnard White
Does Psychiatric
Disorder Affect the Likelihood of Violent Offending? A Review and Critique of
the Major Findings. Ed Mitchell
psychiatry. Phil Thomas
imperialism: The medicalisation of modern living. Joanna Moncrieff
psychiatry Duncan Double
Abuses of power in
counselling and psychotherapy. Lynne Henry, Junior Research Associate at
Newcastle University, UK.
Can psychiatry be retrieved
from a biological approach? Duncan Double
on New England Journal of Medicine editorial "Understanding
the Causes of Schizophrenia" by Nancy Andreasen
to American Journal of Psychiatry editorial "Searching
for the neuropathology of schizophrenia: Neuroimaging strategies and
findings" by JA Lieberman
How much is
the response to psychotropic medication due to the placebo effect? Duncan