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Lithium salts are used in the prophylaxis and treatment of mania and in the prophylaxis of manic-depressive illness and recurrent depression.

See- History of the introduction of lithium

Moncrieff (1995, 1997) reviewed the controlled trial evidence of lithium and concluded that its efficacy has never been satisfactorily demonstrated. Jefferson (1998) has attempted to right a more conventional balance about the value of lithium, although discussion has continued on the BMJ website [Responses].


Jefferson JW. Lithium. Still effective despite its detractors. BMJ 1998; 316: 1330-1 [Full Text]

Moncrieff J. Lithium revisited: a re-examination of the placebo-controlled trials of lithium prophylaxis in manic-depressive disorder. Br J Psychiatry 1995; 167: 569-74 [Medline].

Moncrieff J. Lithium: evidence reconsidered. Br J Psychiatry 1997; 171: 113-9 [Medline].





Lithium revisited. British Journal of Psychiatry 1996; 168: 381-2

Lithium - the issue of effectiveness is still open. BMJ eLetters for Jefferson, 316 (7141) 1330-1 (3 May 1998) [Response]

Lithium - discontinuation does contribute to relapse. BMJ eLetters for Jefferson, 316 (7141) 1330-1 (12 May 1998) [Response]

Re: Antisuicidal effects of lithium - bias in interpreting the effectiveness of lithium. BMJ eLetters for Jefferson, 316 (7141) 1330-1 (6 July 1998) [Response]